Wednesday, December 8, 2021

final post

 Relationships with technology

When it comes to technology, I would say that I have a good number of devices in my life. I probably have more than the average person would own by themselves but that is personal preference. Now I would say that from my experience with technology and from the videos that we had to watch such as “Are You Lost In The World Like Me”, that people can easily get too addicted to technology around them. The main thing that I think we should take away from these videos is how people need to learn how to use technology and inventions in moderation and not in excess. When it comes to my life, I spend a good portion on my time online or in front of a device however I think that this is mainly due to outside factors like my major (game design) and classes mainly revolving around the use of technology. However, while I do use technology a lot I still go out and do other activities. Sometimes I simply have the devices running in the background while I work on something. This leads me to spend a good portion of my time working both with and without technology. My opinion on if technology is making people dumber, smarter, and or misleading them is that it like most other forms of information can easily help people learn but also lie to them about the full truth of the matters. Technology allows people to have access to so much information that they can use and learn form. The problem is that people have not learned to sort through that information and review it and simply go with the first or easiest answer that can often be misleading. I often think about how technology is affecting my generation with all the stupid stuff I see on apps like Instagram or Tik Tok, making me look at them and go “what made you this dumb”. I believe that people use technology to silence people that are trying to help teach others how to behave or act. Unfortunately,  kids see all the loud and annoying kids online and they think they can act like that. I hope that society can see past this and learn that there are ways that you should not act online and in real life.

Friends and family

When it comes to my family, I would say that they use technology a good amount in their lives. Each person needing at least a computer to do work. My family and friends both use technology for a lot of reason, the main reason is keeping in touch with each other. My family is all over the place with a large portion being in Massachusetts and Ireland, so we use lots of technology like phones to keep in touch with those that aren’t nearby. Meanwhile, many of my friends are here at school with me but some are already graduated or back home. To keep in touch with them I use technology that helps me talk to and keep up with their lives.

final post

 Relationships with technology When it comes to technology, I would say that I have a good number of devices in my life. I probably have mor...