Friday, September 17, 2021

values of free expression


The value that I find the most important in my life is Market place of ideas. This basically discusses about how you shouldn’t need a license to print or publish something. This argument was made by Jhon Milton, and he says, “truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out. And the grappling makes the truth even stronger.”. He was talking about how in a free market the truth of something will eventually win and that having it so that truth needs to fight to be heard makes the truth better. I think this is an important in today’s world as many news outlets now are more focused on making people more fearful or push a political agenda instead of looking for and publishing the truth. Due to this, you need the Freedom of Market place of ideas as it allows anyone to go out and find the truth and make their own articles and post them online with sources. This allows people to inform people of the truth of what is happening in the world without the government trying to cover them up and stopping them form talking with things like permits or licenses. 

One of the main technologies that both benefits and abuses the Freedom of the Market place of ideas is social media and the internet. The main way that the internet benefits form this freedom is that many news outlets have websites or other platforms that they use that they can post information on that everyone can access. However, how the internet abuses this freedom is that as anyone can post a lot of the time people are flooded with so much false information from people that they have a hard time finding the truth in this information. Therefore, they just accept the lies making it so much harder for the truth to win. Then there is social media which in theory helps many people connect with others read or keep up with information from people and parties that they are interested in. However, as social media is managed by a private party. It is so easy for them to manipulate information, as we talked about in class, and make it hard for people to see or learn the true information they are looking for and instead be guided more towards what ever idea or belief the company wants them to look towards.

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