Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Wiki leaks


Julian Assange

When it comes to information sources; Wikileaks was one of the most well known non-major news networks that the people used to get information from. It was important because it was one of the major sources of information for government leaks. Everything from past documents that people find and share online, to live videos that the government tried to hide was shared. One good example of this is with the leak made by Julian Assange on the pentagon papers. This was so important of an example because it helps show how the government is restricting peoples first amendment rights. They are trying to bring information that the government is trying to hide to the eyes of the people. In class we talked about how Julian Assange leaked the pentagon papers that opened the American people’s eyes to some of the lies about the Vietnam war. We learned about how he hid in the embassy of Ecuador until their government was overthrown and then British government then raided the embassy to capture him. Here is a man that risked everything to inform people about some shady and illegal activities by the government. Because of this he was forced into hiding for years then thrown in jail and never actually charged with anything but continued to rot away in jail. He is the perfect example as to how a government will violate your rights if you act out against them by revealing information they were trying to hide from everyone. 

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