Thursday, September 30, 2021

Privacy Online & Off

 When it comes to these problems that exist online the one that I think relates to my family is what we talked about in class with the data mining and other invasions of privacy that Facebook does to its users. This is because many of my family members like my parents and grandparents use face book and post tons of information about themselves; especially my grandparents who do not understand the impact of doing this. With everything from not reading the contract that you sign with Facebook when signing up to posting their location or other pieces of information about themselves on Facebook my family is easily letting Facebook sell their data and don’t even think about it. There have been a multitude of times that my grandmother has gotten her account hacked cause she looks at everything that someone sends her.

When it comes to government involvement in this issue, I have a problem with them trying to regulate people online so I don’t think there is much that they can do before these problems happen. The best I could say they could do is try and spread more information about these problems and help people understand them better and set up new department that could focus on helping people that are victims of these problems like data mining.

There are a few ways to protect yourself online. One of the best is using a VPN and other protection software like antivirus. Another is simply not putting your information into anything online that you are not willing to share. Finally, there is the hail Mary solution not using anything online so makes it so you can’t give companies or hackers anything.

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