Saturday, October 9, 2021

Diffusion of inovations

 personal computer/ home computer

The innovation that I want to investigate is the personal computer and at home computers. The main problem that was around for consumers when the computer first became available was simply the cost. As it is for many new technologies that are first released, they tend to be too expensive for most normal families or consumers. Many of the early consumers of personal computers were companies and the higher ups at companies. They used computers because it gave them a way to easily store and access information for their work. All the multiple different applications that were coming out for the computer at the time making their life easier. A great example of this is with taxes. Multiple applications were coming out for computers that would help people and companies manage or file their taxes. A main problem that came about due to computers was hackers. Hackers and scammers were one of the main reasons, other than price, that people would not get a computer. There were multiple different adds or info campaigns going around talking about hackers and scammers stealing your information online or from your computer scaring the normal consumer away from these devices. Overall, there are some people that did not wish to get computers simply because they ether did not understand them or preferred their previous tools or devices. A good example of this is with my grandparents they refused to get a computer for years saying that they can’t understand any of this new technology and preferred good old pen and paper.

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