Saturday, October 9, 2021

EOTO Presentation Whistleblowers



Whistleblowers are often displayed in the media as some sort of person that spends their life trying to expose something and being called crazy for it. However, the definition of a whistleblower is a person that exposes information activity within either a private, public, or government organization that is deemed illegal, illicit, unsafe, fraud, or abuse of power or funds. Whistleblowers are often small people in government or organization that simply have found out that their bosses or higher up have been abusing their power. They then go out of their way to spread or report this information to the people often with repercussions or downsides to themselves.



There have been many different famous whistleblowers over the years but let’s focus on Edward Snowden. He was a former worker for the NSA or National Security Agency. He was then employed as a contractor for the CIA when he learned about the government using multiple different software and surveillance programs to spy on both the American people and important people abroad. This leaking of information lead to him being wanted by America and fleeing to Russia in order to escape punishment for revealing this information. His leak allowed for the people to know that their government was truly spying on its own people and keeping all their information in servers illegally. It is thanks to people like him and their sacrifice of normal life that people learn about the hidden information that their government is hiding from them.

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