Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sources of news

  1. YouTube is one of my personal favorite new sources. This is due to me being a very visual and hands on person, so having a video that shows how to do exactly what I'm looking for is very helpful. It is also helpful that there are channels with commentators. These people help make following along with the video simple.. Many YouTubers provide multiple sources in the comments or descriptions of their videos so that you can look through and verify. This makes it easier to trust them with the information you are learning on this platform. I also enjoy this source of information because it allows me to listen to news and information while I am doing other activates like gaming or school work

2. Game informer is a great community to get information for the newest games and releases on video and bored games. They are great because of the multiple kinds of media that they use to inform mass amounts of people. They use magazines that contain the newest releases that comes as a monthly subscription or individual purchase, to live streams on the newest games that are coming out. Game informer is also great because it doesn't just do a one and done review of games they will follow along with the development and release of new content that is released for games. Overall, my favorite part of game informer is the videos that they release. They are short updates on games from people from the industry or game development.  These videos help people that do not have a lot of time to keep up with the community the ability to get quick reliable information

3. IGN is similar to game informer as they are both related to video games. However, while game informer is more focused on talking about the releases of games and what is new in the industry: IGN focuses on going more in-depth into games. They are good because they tend to try and focus on specific areas in games. The blog has people that work on the games or are professionals on the topic, come in and talk or write about them. IGN is really good for most gamers that want to learn more about how their favorite games are made, especially with what actually goes into making them. Finally, many of their blogs are great for learning more about hidden features or items in the games they talk about.

4. Indie DB is a source of information for indie games and gamers that people have made. This website is similar to other game sites in that it is used by people to learn about games and find new and interesting games to play. The main difference is that this source focuses on the Indie category of games which are basically games made by smaller teams or less known companies instead of large Triple A gaming companies. This source is good because it helps smaller named companies and teams to get recognition for their work. It also helps network and help them find helpers or testers for the games they are making. In the end this source is very good at helping the community grow and introduce new ideas and companies to the industry. 

5. Steam is a gaming platform that allows people to buy and play games for PC. This is a good source of updates on games and what new mechanics or playable content is being added to the games that you have. The community on this site is also a huge source of information. This is good as it allows people to interact and talk with other people that have played these games. It also allows people to  learn about what the games are about or what they need to know about the games they are getting into. You can also ask the members of the site any questions you have and get real help. 

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