Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Age of AI




There are a lot of advantages that can come from advancements in AI and machine learning related to privacy. One good advantage is that these advancements will allow computers to be able to identify new threats to themselves like hackers and viruses. This will allow antivirus software to be able to protect people’s computer and data better and stop people from gaining access to your private info.


Just like with every other advancement with technology there are downsides to these upgrades. One of the main ones that is related to privacy has to do with AI and machine learning. The idea that with these advancements is that AI can be used to hack into people’s devices and monitor them for information. Its basically a race between hackers and antivirus AI to see which can outdo the other first.

National security

AI can be used in national security in many ways. However, while it can be helpful it can also be harmful to people’s privacy. An example of it being helpful is with AI’s that are being developed to identify terrorist and people that intend to harm others. While this will help protect some people it all depends on how much is implemented. A good example of too much being China and their overuse of surveillance and use of AI to constantly monitor its people.

Security and identity theft

Identity theft is a major issue for many people currently. The way that AI can be used to help stop this is with tracking software. These AI software’s can be used to help track people’s online profile and see if someone is trying to use their information that is not the original person.

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