Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Progressive Era


Let us start with why I think anti-war voices and journalist are important to have and be able to listen to. The people that are most outspoken against war are the ones that pay the most attention to exactly what is happening during that war. They are usually the people that investigate if people are committing war crimes. These anti-war people tend to be the main way that the public learns about the horrors that governments commit during war and what they try and sweep under the rug during said wars. Its due to this that most of the times anti-war voices are usually the best people to have during war to keep the government in check and the people informed about what is truly happening during these wars.

Now we can look at why there are not many anti-war voices in the modern media. Lately in the mainstream media there has been little to no anti-war voices that are being broadcasted. One of the reasons for this is most likely bribes. There have been multiple people that have broken away from main media outlets saying that they had multiple papers and journals shot down by their bosses for no reason. The main reason for these situations happening is simply because the government is trying to control the main stream media that most people listen to. If they can take out these people that are talking about all the ideas or facts that they don’t want the people to focus on it makes the governments life and war a whole lot easier to continue without the people becoming angry and refusing to support it like what happened with Vietnam.

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