Saturday, October 9, 2021

EOTO Echo Chamebr

 Echo Chamber


There are multiple ways that you could define an echo chamber. The simplest one is that it is a situation in which one seeks out information that will reinforce one’s own ideas or beliefs without ever encountering any opposing views or information. Echo chambers are often related to the idea of confirmation bias with echo chambers often leading to confirmation bias in people. The reason for why echo chambers are related to confirmation bias is due to the idea that people will go online looking for information to reinforce their ideas or beliefs. If they are directed and stuck in an echo chamber they will only find information that says they are correct. This leads them to believe that they are correct without fact checking or looking for new information. The reason that this concept is called an echo chamber is due to the relationship that this idea has with confined spaces or areas. In these spaces people will look for information and the idea that your beliefs are echoed back to you.


There are a lot of examples of echo chambers both online and not but the most well-known and often the biggest tend to be online communities. Many of these communities are on social media platforms such as Face book and twitter. Most people will join these groups based around a single idea and kick out anyone that disagrees with the common concept or try to prove them wrong. Another great example must be reddit and its communities that will often gang up on opposing view and threaten people or other groups that disagree with them. Now let us look at the most well-known of these communities: the flat earth society. They have multiple different groups and chat rooms on all different platforms including their own website that are focused on just repeating the ideas and beliefs that they have. They also use their own twisted information to denounce other people’s facts and beliefs. If you don’t believe me, try going on one of their communities like Facebook and post something like a meme about how they are wrong it will at least give you a funny reaction out of them. Also, if you believe that echo chambers are only online then you would be wrong. There are many in person groups that meet and basically cause an echo chamber effect to occur. One example of these groups is with the Westbrook Baptist Church. These people where convinced by their pastor Fred Phelps that his ideas and belief that God was punishing the US for its tolerance of homosexuality. This echo chamber at the church lead to multiple protest with signs saying everything from "God Hates the USA/Thank God for 9/11," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," and "Don't Pray for the USA.". While this is one of the more extreme examples of an echo chamber and its effects on the world in real life it is still one of the more well-known echo chambers that occurred.

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